
12 years of Diabetes in 80 Odd Seconds

12 years gone so fast now i know why i cant remember the day i swas dx'd Am I the only one. Only thing I remember is these few things

  • I was in the 7th Grade
  • I wanted to go out for track and field
  • I didnt have any symptoms of Diabetes
  • I really didnt know what D was even though my Dad has it ( type 2)
  • I had to get a physical for track
  • they had us participants give a urine smple
  • thats how they figured out I had D
  • Sugar was 400+
  • Had a blood test the next day
  • Went back to School After
  • I was sitting in foods class
  • While evry other kid was drinking kool aide ( even the diabetic kid that was sitting by me)
  • my mom came by and talked to the teacher ( mom worked in the cafeteria then)
  • mom told the teacher that i had to go to the hospital
  • I left
  • mom went to the principal and told them
  • I on the other hand called my grandparents to tell them I had to go to the Hospital
  • They were not home
  • got home and packed my suitcase and my mom told me I had Diabetes
  • Dad came home and I cried
  • I didnt want to go
  • We went to the hospital
  • I didnt like it at first
  • Then I did
  • Free Pop and Playing All day
  • learned about D and gave my Dad his shot
  • Stayed there for a week
  • 8 yrs after I started on the insulin Pump
  • 11 years after I was Hospitalized in ICU for 3 days and 2 days in a regular room for DKA ( in October 2006
  • Now its 12 years . ( Remember I dont remember the exact day I was dx'd

Thats All I remember

1 comment:

cc said...

i don't remember the exact day i was diagnosed either. i only remember being sick before diagnosis on my birthday, and having to take time time off school in the 3rd grade, so i know it was a day in september of '89. i kind of want the anniversary like so many other diabetics... but the day is lost in a medical record somewhere
